Director of Transportation
Michael Love
For bus routes and pickup times, please contact your school.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time do the buses start running?
Elementary buses will start at 6:10 AM
CMS & CHS will start after 7:05 AM
Where is the bus stop?
In-town students, buses will do corner pick-ups. If you live in a rural area, the bus will come by your house unless you live on a dead-end street. In that case, you will need to meet the bus at the corner of your street.
The following areas will have bus stops:
A & B Ave. S., Clover & Wheat St., Columbus Heights, Robert Terrance Apt., Applewood/Providence Place, Yorkville Apt., Hargrove Est., Dean Acres, Fountain Dale Apt., Sandfield Apt., All apartments located off 31st Ave. N.
Where is my bus?
If the bus is not there within 10 minutes of normal time, here are some of the reasons for a late bus:
Bus broke down
Sub Driver
Traffic Issues
I’m not going to be home this afternoon; can you drop off my child at this address?
We must have a written note from the parent or guardian stating where the student is to be dropped off. Additionally, the school must be notified about the address change.
Please note that you cannot call your child while on the bus and tell them to give the phone to the bus driver about the address change.
Where can I pick up my child? I was not at home and need to get him or her.
If your child is in elementary, we have either taken your child back to their school or they are at the bus shop - located at 1206 Gardner Blvd. Please call your child’s school first.
Who can I call about the bus?
You can call the bus shop at 662-241-7402.
Ms. Heard - Dispatcher
Mr. Love – Director