Sign up here to volunteer for our Trunk or Treat this weekend! #FalconFamily #trunkortreat
over 1 year ago, CMSD
trunk or treat date: october 28th time: 4-6pm qr code
CMSD Presents: TRUNK or TREAT! Come out this Saturday from 4-6 p.m. to the CHS football stadium parking lot! Volunteers can sign up with the link in the comments! Happy Halloween! #FalconFamily #trunkortreat #FalconStrong
over 1 year ago, CMSD
Become a Falcon! We still have positions on our CMSD team and we're looking for Falcons to help us fly. We have plenty of opportunities for growth and great benefits! We're looking for elementary teachers, special education teachers, assistant teachers, secondary teachers (health, music, and algebra), and bus drivers. Apply online now! #TogetherWeFly #FalconStrong #FalconPride
over 1 year ago, CMSD
Everything we do is student-centered here at CMSD. We just held professional development for the use of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device). Through this training, we helped teachers, assistant teachers, speech pathologists, case managers, and even grandparents understand AAC devices and how we can communicate effectively with each student. #StudentCentered #ExcellenceDriven #FalconProud
over 1 year ago, CMSD
people sitting at tables and person standing
You can call the 2023 Homecoming Parade a success! Our Mardi Gras Homecoming took over Columbus last night. Falcons, come out to Homecoming tonight and let's pack The Nest! Let the good times roll! #Homecoming2023 #FalconFamily #FalconStrong
over 1 year ago, CMSD
people in purple shirts holding up umbrellas
Falcon spirit all week long! CMSD is the place to be. Happy homecoming! #FalconSpirit #StudentCentered #ExcellenceDriven
over 1 year ago, CMSD
3 students dressed up for spirit week